Devlog 0 - Deer Simulator

This project started off as an urge, which immediately sparked into an impulse after being inspired by a Twitter post showcasing a low-resolution screen effect for Unity. I wanted to just make something after having done almost nothing over the Winter Break, so I spent the final week of break before College classes started to do something.

It started off with setting the screen resolution and modestly modeling some low-poly models just to see how things would look in the game. Love at first sight. Not only was it cool and stylized, but it was also simple and easy to quickly dish out models for.

Once I finished models and animations (the choppy animations worked well with the low-resolution style), I spent the majority of the time programming DEER AI and developing a proper map and game loop for the game. Despite what exists now, I had other plans in mind for the progression of the game that isn't so fragile and clunky, one with more narrative substance and spooky scenery.

The week's end arrived quicker than I anticipated, and I wasn't able to at least provide suitable audio for this minimum viable product, so what is there will have to do for now.

I aspire to work more on this when I can. I have some moments I wish to establish and a different narrative to portray. For now, I can be proud of what I was able to dish out in a week by myself (with a few tasteful models from a friend).

I wanted to call this Dev Log 0 because while I would’ve loved to make this over the duration of the week, it didn’t seem necessary to post a video every single day for such a small project. If this was going to be an ongoing project (and if classes weren’t going to be taking up all of my time) then it would've been great to make this a more in-depth project with a larger scope.


Deer Game Play in browser
Jan 24, 2023
Deer Game WebGL 32 MB
Jan 24, 2023

Get Untitled Deer Game

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